Website launching soon.

a memoir
by carolyn hamilton

The Hum of Love is a tender, unsparingly honest, and intimate story about the expansiveness of love within the contracting world of a fatal diagnosis. Compact and penetrating, this memoir finds beauty in the hardest places.
A message to my readers: Many of you have contacted me after reading about The Hum of Love in the Huffington Post, asking about where to buy the book. I'm happy to say the manuscript is complete and I am currently seeking the right agent/publishing home for it. I can be contacted at carolyn4hamilton@gmail.com.
“I am sitting in a Little Caesar’s parking lot in Northern Minnesota, crying my face off at the beauty and humanity of your piece…I was made more human and more ocean reading your words on my lunch break today” - Megan
“Thank you for being a voice in the wilderness that connects with the raw depth of my grief.” - Pam
“I know we have never met but you have just shared with me and thousands+ others probably the most beautiful love story I have ever I have ever been privileged to read” - Joyce
“I felt so much emotion and connection to your writing that I couldn't breathe” - Charlene
“I have been moved beyond any emotion that I can articulate” -Elayne
“I felt simultaneously wounded and healed.” - Matt
“If your truth tolerance is high today this article resonates with many of us in the trenches of loss. It helps all of us honor the magnitude of pain we feel in love, loss, grief and activating our own healing and life force.” - Claire
“I felt so much emotion and connection to your writing that I couldn't breathe” - Charlene
“I couldn't sleep tonight so I read you story. It produced the most glorious, cleansing cry” - Drew